I fully understand that there may be some risk involved by studying martial arts & thereby release Budo Warrior Schools (BWS) & all instructors & students from any & all liabilities for any type of loss or injury sustained while training, practicing or in the application of the martial arts. I understand that should I have a past or present medical condition I agree to supply all authorised medical information to confirm my good health & suitability to join BWS & practice martial arts. Failure to supply any or all of the required authorised medical information will reflect an error on my part & I release BWS from any liability. It has been explained to me that it is my responsibility to state & explain any past or present medical condition to all relevant instructors & students of BWS. The undersigned states that he or she is in good physical & mental condition & knows of no reason why he or she or they cannot safely participate in martial arts without detriment to himself or herself or others. I am aware that BWS also takes photos occasionally for social media and advertising. I have read & understood the above & would like myself to benefit from joining BWS. By signing this form, the student or parent/guardian agrees that the information provided above is complete and accurate to the best of their ability, and understand that it is their responsibility to notify BWS if anything should change in the future.